Sociologija: mintis ir veiksmas

Periodical | Lithuania
English title: Sociology: thought and action
Keyword(s): gender | gender issues | gender mainstreaming | gender and media | masculinity
Languages(s): Lithuanian
Manifest: view document
Cover: view cover
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Special edition of scientific journal “Sociology: thought and action” is dedicated to gender issues. Articles analyze the historical development of gender mainstreaming approach; the promises and pitfalls of the transformative policy; main ideological, institutional, political and legal obstacles to the implementation of gender mainstreaming in different national contexts; hegemonic and subordinated forms of masculinity in contemporary Lithuania; academic discourse and centers on the analysis of imagery that make up a concurrent part of modern mass culture and form codes of symbolic gender representation; gender equity in the political, economical and social areas public attitudes towards gender equality and issues of normative and empirical equality in Lithuania.