Über Beziehungen zwischen Liebesverhältnissen und Mittelstreckenraketen The article is the publication of Sander`s lecture on February 17th 1980 in the Berlin Akademie der Künste. Read more
Je älter, desto lesbischer? The author reports that many older lesbians live as single, often rather unvoluntarily. Read more
Lesbenehe The article starts with the information about a church wedding of two lesbians at Hamburg. It reports different reactions by lesbians. Read more
Aktionsrat zur Befreiung der Frauen The leaflet named gender based violence in the Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (SDS) as the hindrance for work and happiness in a new society. Read more
Manifest für eine autonome Frauenbewegung This manifesto demands a new definition of work that comprises unpaid labor as well as paid employment. Read more
Alle reden von Gewalt… The article is a critical intervention into the feminist peace movement and feminist politics in general. Read more