Féminitude et féminisme

Article | Belgium
English title: Feminitude and feminism
Source: Les cahiers du GRIF
Keyword(s): discrimination | power| family| birth control| emancipation
Languages(s): French
Manifest: view document
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The article offers an analysis of the structural inequalities suffered by women in a capitalist and patriarchal society. Inequalities cannot be explained by biological differences, but have to do with culture and education. To make change possible, it is a necessity that women should have the means to control their fertility (and that has become possible). The authors argue that
more is needed however; society should change in a radical way: men should partake in household tasks, collective services are needed and production cannot be the new destination of women. Men and women should be able to live other lifes, and feminism can be the subversive principle that leads to qualitative changes in society.