Family friendly policies and gender equality in Europe

Between paid and unpaid work: family friendly policies and gender equality in Europe
Book | Lithuania
English title: Between paid and unpaid work: family friendly policies and gender equality in Europe
Keyword(s): family policies | gender equality | reconciliation of work and family | family friendly policies
Languages(s): English
Manifest: view document: Between paid and unpaid work
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This book is based on the common research methodology developed within the framework of the project “Modern Men in Enlarged Europe II: Family Friendly Policies”. The qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in partner countries: Denmark, Iceland, Italy and Lithuania. The research marked an attempt to focus on men’s participation in work-family reconciliation processes and to develop better knowledge of how employed fathers fulfill their roles both within the family and at work and what mechanisms at political, institutional and individual levels could facilitate them to balance these roles and achieve more equal gender relations at home. Articles written by Lithuanian authors deal with promoting family friendly policies in gender perspective, reconciliation of work and family in Lithuania.