Movimento para a Contracepção e Aborto Livre e Gratuito

Movimento para a Contracepção e Aborto Livre e Gratuito

Manifesto MCALG : Movimento para a Contracepção e Aborto Livre e Gratuito

Other | Portugal

English title: MCALG Manifesto : Movement for Contraception and Free and Gratuitous Abortion
Corporate author(s): MCALG – Movimento para a Contracepção e Aborto Livre e Gratuito
Keyword(s): abortion movement | feminism | radical feminism | second feminist wave | Portugal
Languages(s): Portugese
Manifest: view document

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The first manifesto on contraception and on the universal right to abortion, written and published in 1975. It presents the first claims of those years: the right to information on contraception methods and access to contraceptives; assisted abortion in hospital facilities; right to abortion by request of women – at that time, abortion was only possible when there were therapeutical reasons; abolition of the fascist law on abortion.


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