Nepretuitele femei

Nepretuitele femei : Publicistica feminista
Book | Romania
English title: Priceless Women : Feminist Publications
Keyword(s): feminist articles | feminist political analysis | feminist philosophy | patriarchy | Romanian feminist movement
Languages(s): Romanian
Manifest: view document: Nepretuitele femei
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This is a collection of Mihaela Miroiu’s feminist articles, interviews and opinions from early ‘90 until 2005. The texts selected for this book are mainly feminist public reactions and positions in regard to various sexist and anti-feminist articles published in Romanian media. Also present are a number of feminist political analysis, introspective dialogues and feminist philosophical reflections. The texts are grouped thematically in five parts, dealing with Romanian patriarchal culture; the Romanian feminist movement; politics and feminism in Romania; family and private life; media and feminism.