Zavrnjena tradicija

Book | Slovenia
English title: Rejected tradition
Keyword(s): women | social position | sociological studies | Slovenia – 1890-1940 | femininity | tradition | inequality | emancipation
Languages(s): Slovenian
Manifest: view document
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The monograph is an investigation on the position of women and womanhood in Slovenia in the period 1890-1940. In the first part of the book the author makes a theoretical introduction into the research subject. In the second part she examines different attitudes towards woman’s body and in consequence different projections of femininity. Third part titled “Sexuality” gives even higher insight into private lives of women, however, in the social context of ideologies of representations and subordination.
In the concluding synthesis the author speaks in favour of the thesis, that women can liberate themselves only then when they are able to reflect their position in different contexts.