Za izbiro The right to freely decide upon a child’s birth was included in the Yugoslav constitution in 1974. In order to protect this right and to include it in the new Slovenian constitution, the leaflet “For choice” was distributed. Read more
Nekaj o ljubezni med ženskami Collection of articles “Something about love among women” is considered to be the first lesbian manifest and the first collective lesbian coming out in Slovenia. Read more
Spol : Ž The book is a collection of lectures. It reflects the intellectual atmosphere of that time. Read more
Zbornik o lezbičnem gibanju na Slovenskem The anthology is the first collection of lesbian theory, history of lesbian movement, culture, arts and politics in Slovenia (and abroad), covering the history of organized lesbian movement in Slovenia (and former Yugoslavia) in the period between 1984 and 1995. Read more
Kako smo hodile v feministično gimnazijo The book is a reflexive and critical presentation of feminist groups, movements and activists in Slovenia from the 1980s till 1995. Read more
Človekova pravica, da svobodno odloča o rojstvih An exhaustive text on the reasons and obstacles to implement the constitutional right on free decision upon a child’s birth, including abortion on demand. Read more
Zavrnjena tradicija Women can liberate themselves only then when they are able to reflect their position in different contexts. Read more
štatistiky Koordinačného The text of the Declaration was written as the response to the effort of Slovak Republic to ratify the Treaty with Holy Seat. Read more